Tuesday, January 03, 2006

More impeachable crimes

More impeachable crimes revealed
Attempting to appear earnest and sincere, George W. Bush told an American people anguished by the criminal war in Iraq and the White House's trashing of the Bill of Rights that, “Anytime you hear the United States government talking about wiretap, a wiretap requires a court order.” Bush, the incorrigible liar, spoke those words in Buffalo, New York in 2004, well over two years into a super-secret spying and wiretap program authorized by the President himself. The vast program launched on the American people was designed precisely to avoid judicial oversight - the need to obtain a court order before the wiretapping of countless citizens and non-citizens alike. You need not be the subject of any criminal investigation to have been targeted by George W. Bush and Dick Cheney’s regime.


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