Sunday, August 26, 2007

MTV Get of the Air

Here's a short video I edited and uploaded on YouTube to show that I'm not the ONLY one who thinks MTV is crap and should be banned.

It starts with some news about Mtv collaborating with Real Networks and ends with a comment about Mtv that I agree with.

Check it out ...

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Religion, culture behind Texas execution tally

By Ed Stoddard

DALLAS (Reuters) - Texas will almost certainly hit the grim total of  400 executions this month, far ahead of any other state, testament Executionto the influence of the state's conservative evangelical Christians and its cultural mix of Old South and Wild West.

"In Texas you have all the elements lined up. Public support, a governor that supports it and supportive courts," said Richard Dieter, executive director of the Death Penalty Information Center.

"If any of those things are hesitant then the process slows down," said Dieter. "With all cylinders working as in Texas it produces a lot of executions." Shot

Texas has executed 398 convicts since it resumed the practice in  1982, six years after the U.S. Supreme Court lifted a ban on capital punishment, far exceeding second-place Virginia with 98 executions since the ban was lifted. It has five executions scheduled for August

Monday, August 13, 2007

And now for something completely different...

Not really, but here's a nice way to bring attention to problems with our foreign policy's as well as domestic issues (like marketing going out-of-control) with a little comedy.

Wednesday, August 08, 2007


Don't let Congress off the hook for letting Bush wiretap our phone calls

wiretap The Democratic-controlled Congress did the unthinkable on Saturday night: They gave President Bush and Attorney General Alberto Gonzales more unchecked power to wiretap Americans without a warrant. Yes, that's the same Attorney Genegonzoral who  is currently mired in scandal and probably committed perjury on this very issue.

Enough is enough. We have to send a strong message to Congress that there is no trade-off between fundamental liberties and security. Preserving our Constitution is essential to our security—we can't lead on freedom around the world when we're actively undermining the rule of law at home.

I signed onto this petition demanding that Congress reverse this capitulation to Bush and the politics of fear. Can you join me? Just click here:
