A letter to my rep
A letter to my rep… (feel free to copy and send to your rep)
Jan 7, 2006
Representative Zoe Lofgren
United States House of Representatives
102 Cannon House Office Building
Washington, DC 20515-0001
Representative Lofgren,
The Bush administration lied to the people and Congress about the justifications for going to war in Iraq. Now its been revealed that Bush, like Nixon three decades ago, has carried out an illegal wiretapping program against the people of this country. These are serious offenses which constitute High Crimes and Midemeanors. I urge you to support impeachment immediately, in order to save the Constitution.
El Brujo
Jan 7, 2006
Representative Zoe Lofgren
United States House of Representatives
102 Cannon House Office Building
Washington, DC 20515-0001
Representative Lofgren,
The Bush administration lied to the people and Congress about the justifications for going to war in Iraq. Now its been revealed that Bush, like Nixon three decades ago, has carried out an illegal wiretapping program against the people of this country. These are serious offenses which constitute High Crimes and Midemeanors. I urge you to support impeachment immediately, in order to save the Constitution.
El Brujo